You have entered the Place of Downloads

You know why you're here. This is where to find the annoying fonts that this page uses. Hope everything works. If it doesn't, yell and scream, then send me an message about it.

If you're wondering, yes, I'm the Keeper of this place. The name's Siobhan Recca. I'm the Cybernetic Ninja, but perhaps more importantly, I'm the Author of the Phoenix Prince Saga.

Well, I gotta get back to my writing, so you just download what you need. And, for your information, I didn't make ANY of this stuff that's here right now! However, I don't remember where I acquired most of it, so I can't tell you. If anyone out there does know where it came from, please tell me!



Love Letter Typewriter







Because I've had many complaints about not being able to download these files, here's a Zip File with all of the fonts contained here.

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